• bannerny

8 Ways Custom Displays Can Benefit Your Retail Strategy

Table of Contents:

Enhanced Visual Marketing

Custom displays offer unparalleled opportunities to enhance visual marketing. For example, a home goods retailer may use custom displays to create a simulated living room environment showcasing their furniture and decor, attracting customers and increasing their desire to purchase.

Research shows that 90% of customers prefer products displayed in custom showcases compared to regular shelves, indicating the effectiveness of custom displays in increasing product exposure and attractiveness. Moreover, stores using custom displays have been shown to increase sales by an average of over 15% compared to those using traditional display methods, further demonstrating the importance of custom displays in enhancing visual marketing.

Captivating Window Displays

Captivating window displays are powerful tools for attracting and engaging customers. For instance, a fashion boutique may showcase the latest fashion items in its window display, attracting the attention of passersby and enticing them to enter the store.

Market research indicates that over 70% of customers are influenced by window displays in their shopping decisions, highlighting the importance of window displays in attracting customers and driving sales. Specifically, placing new products in window displays has been shown to increase store visit conversion rates by at least 20%, further underscoring the importance of window displays in retail.

Apple often showcases its latest products and innovative technologies in its retail store window displays. For example, when a new iPhone model is released, they display various features and functions of the phone in the window, attracting customers' attention and sparking their curiosity and desire to purchase. These window displays not only enhance the Apple brand's image and visibility but also drive sales of new products.

Seasonal Themes and Promotions

Seasonal displays inject freshness into retail spaces, aligning with holidays, festivals, or seasonal changes. For example, a supermarket may use custom displays to decorate its store with a harvest and Thanksgiving theme before Thanksgiving, attracting customers with seasonal decorations and produce.

Custom displays allow retailers to seamlessly integrate themed decorations with products, creating immersive shopping environments. Whether it's holiday decorations during Christmas or beach-themed displays in summer, seasonal custom displays resonate with customers, stimulating their shopping desires and increasing foot traffic.

Brand Recognition and Awareness

Brand recognition and awareness are crucial for establishing a strong brand identity and increasing customer recognition. Take Starbucks, for example, which highlights its unique style and values through custom displays in its global retail stores. In Starbucks stores, elements such as the distinctive green and white logo and the Starbucks font reinforce the brand's visual identity.

Through custom displays, Starbucks reinforces brand recall, ensuring customers constantly perceive the brand's presence and value during shopping. Whether in-store decorations, display cases, or packaging design, Starbucks' brand characteristics and values, such as environmental consciousness and social responsibility, are reflected, enhancing customer awareness and brand influence.

By enhancing brand recognition through custom displays, Starbucks not only strengthens its visual identity but also creates a unique shopping experience for customers, allowing them to immerse themselves in the brand's culture and atmosphere. This increase in brand awareness helps attract more customers, boost sales, and build long-term customer loyalty.

Maximizing Store Layout Efficiency

Effective store layout significantly impacts customer behavior and optimizes retail space. Custom displays offer flexibility in layout design, allowing retailers to maximize every square foot of their store. Retailers strategically position displays to guide foot traffic and create designated browsing areas, enhancing the overall shopping experience and increasing sales opportunities.

Nike serves as a case study for store layout and custom display design. As one of the world's leading sports brands, Nike places great emphasis on store layout and custom displays.

Nike's retail stores typically feature open-layout designs, showcasing various sports shoes, apparel, accessories, and equipment in a spacious setting. They design different display areas for different product lines and themes, such as basketball, soccer, and running, each with its custom display design and decoration.

Nike's custom displays not only reflect the brand's sports spirit and innovation but also create a vibrant and passionate shopping environment through various decorative elements and interactive devices. They set up various experience areas in-store, such as shoe try-on areas, running tracks, and basketball courts, allowing customers to experience the performance and quality of Nike products while shopping.

Through this store layout and custom display design, Nike not only attracts a large number of customers but also increases their willingness to purchase and brand loyalty. Customers can feel the sports culture and brand spirit advocated by Nike in-store, making them more willing to choose Nike products. This effective store layout and custom display not only optimize retail space but also enhance the shopping experience for customers, increasing sales opportunities.

Flexible Configurations

Custom displays come in various shapes, sizes, and configurations, offering retailers flexibility to adapt to changing needs and preferences. Modular setups allow easy rearrangement and customization, enabling retailers to experiment with different layouts and seasonal themes. Whether displaying new arrivals, clearance items, or limited-time offers, flexible configurations ensure that retail space remains dynamic and attracts customers.

Product Storytelling

Custom displays provide an opportunity to tell product stories, allowing retailers to convey the unique features and benefits of showcased products. Through eye-catching visual effects, informative signage, and interactive elements, retailers can emotionally engage customers and stimulate purchase decisions. Whether emphasizing the craftsmanship behind handmade products or showcasing the versatility of multi-functional products, product storytelling enhances the shopping experience and builds brand loyalty.

Increasing Impulse Purchases

Custom displays strategically position enticing products and promotions to drive impulse buying behavior. For example, a retailer may place unique or limited-edition products in display cases or highlight attractive promotional items in prominent locations, triggering customers' impulse purchase desires.

Retailers can leverage psychological triggers such as scarcity, urgency, and social proof to promote impulse buying. For instance, they can emphasize the limited availability or exclusive sales of certain products to create scarcity and stimulate customers' purchase desires. Additionally, showcasing popular items or limited-time offers can create a sense of urgency among customers, prompting them to make quick purchase decisions.

Thoughtfully designed displays and marketing strategies effectively harness customers' impulse buying behavior. The way products are displayed, packaging designs, and presentation of promotional information can all influence customers' purchase decisions. Through enticing displays and promotions, retailers can increase customers' shopping desires and boost average transaction values.


In conclusion, custom displays play a crucial role in enhancing retail strategies, offering opportunities to enhance visual marketing, strengthen brand recognition, and optimize space. By showcasing featured products, creating interactive experiences, and driving impulse purchases, retailers can create memorable shopping experiences, resonate with customers, and drive sales. Embracing creativity and innovation in display design opens up new possibilities for retailers to stand out in a competitive market environment.

Post time: Apr-29-2024